Independent Driving Test


Independent driving is a part of the practical driving test. This section is normally lasts around 10 minutes.

The idea behind independent driving on the driving test is check how well your are able to navigate by using road signs and road markings, and not relying on the examiners directions.  It isn’t a test of your orientation and navigation skills.

How this section of the test works
During your test you’ll have to drive independently by either following:

  • traffic signs
  • a series of directions
  • a combination of both

To help you understand where you’re going when following verbal directions given to you by the examiner, they may show you a diagram.

Forgetting the directions
It doesn’t matter if you forget some of the directions that you are given, or even if you go the wrong way.

Driving independently means making your own decisions – this includes deciding when it’s safe and appropriate to ask for confirmation about where you’re going.

The examiner will confirm the directions to you if you ask for a reminder.

Going off the independent driving route
Your test result won’t be affected if you go off the independent driving route, unless you make a driving fault.
The examiner will help you get back on the route if you go off it or take a wrong turning. You can then continue with the independent driving.

Poor or obscured traffic signs
The examiner will give you directions until you can see the next traffic sign if there are poor or obscured traffic signs. You won’t need to have a detailed knowledge of the area.

Remember this section is all about following the rules of the road and ensure you follow traffic signals correctly, for example making sure you give way when you see the relevant markings or stopping at Zebra crossing if someone is waiting to cross. Just relax and remember your training.

Benefits of learning to drive in an Automatic


Learn to drive in an automatic car / Automatic Driving Lessons
Advantages of learning with an automatic driving Lessons:
An automatic car has an automatic gearbox that changes the gears for you and there are only two foot pedals, the accelerator (gas) and footbrake, which are operated with the right foot.

  • No stalling the engine or rolling back on hills
  • Automatic Driving Lessons
  • Easier and simpler way of driving Automatic car
  • No gear worries
  • No clutch control required
  • An easy way to pass quickly with fewer lessons required
  • Concentrate on reading the road instead of thinking which gear you are in
  • Good for the stop/start of town and city driving – getting  less tiring
  • Pass your driving test in Automatic car with fewer Driving lessons